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“...I feel more confident in myself and able to validate and advocate for my needs.”

Lea M, Client

Are you the go-to person for everyone else, but secretly feel drained, resentful, and stuck?

Schedule a free 30-min session and discover how to set boundaries, reclaim your energy, and finally put yourself first (without the guilt or anxiety).


About You

Does This Sound Familiar?

  • You're the first person everyone calls when they need something.
  • You're constantly juggling everyone else's needs, but your own get lost in the shuffle.
  • You say "yes" even when you want to scream "NO!"
  • You sometimes feel taken for granted, unappreciated, or resentful in your relationships.
  • You feel lost and unsure of who you are, what you need, or what truly brings you joy
  • You feel like you're losing yourself in the process of helping everyone else.
  • You wish you could run away from your life or hit pause for a month to catch your breath.
  • You wonder if you’re burnt out but doubt you are because you’re technically functioning…you’re just exhausted and disheartened.

If you nodded along, you're in the right place. Many kind, empathetic people fall into the trap of being the "rescuer," always ready to fix, help, and save others. But this selfless pattern can lead to burnout, resentment, strained relationships, and a loss of your own identity.

The Clichés Are True: You Can’t Pour From An Empty Cup

I see you. I understand the immense pressure you feel to be everything to everyone. I hear your confusion and frustration when you say, "I have no idea what I want/need or who I am or what I like." I know the guilt, anxiety, and overwhelm that come with constantly putting others first. And I also know that you're capable of creating a life where you can be your compassionate self without sacrificing your own well-being.

Imagine a life where you have the energy and freedom to pursue your own passions, set healthy boundaries, and rediscover what truly brings you joy. A life where your relationships are based on mutual respect, reciprocity, and shared responsibility. A life where you know yourself deeply and confidently.

My Work

How I Can Help:

I specialize in helping people like you break free from the rescuer role and create a life that honors both your compassion and your own needs. I'll guide you on a journey of self-discovery, helping you uncover your passions, needs, and desires so you can build a life that feels authentically yours.

After working with me, you’ll be able to:

  • Say goodbye to guilt and "people-pleasing"
  • Set boundaries that actually stick
  • Rediscover what YOU want and need
  • Build healthier, more balanced relationships

Whether you're navigating family drama, struggling with codependency, or just feeling lost in the chaos of everyday life, I'm here to help you find your way back to yourself. I help you recognize and address patterns of over-giving, people-pleasing, and neglecting your own needs.

Schedule a session

Our Plan

How It Works

We'll work together to uncover the root causes of your tendencies and develop a personalized plan for change. Think of it as a journey of self-discovery, with a healthy dose of humor and real talk along the way.

In our sessions, you'll learn:

  • How to set healthy boundaries without feeling guilty or selfish
  • The power of saying "no" with confidence and grace
  • Strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and overwhelm
  • How to let go of control and trust others to handle their own challenges
  • Ways to prioritize self-care and rediscover your passions
  • How to build healthier relationships based on mutual respect, reciprocity, and shared responsibility
  • Tools and techniques for self-discovery to uncover your passions, needs, and desires

Schedule a session

About Me

Hi, I'm Madeline Farquharson, CPCC!

I'm a Certified Co-Active Coach and a member of the International Coaching Federation. I've also trained in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and other experiential therapies like somatic work. I'm a recovering people-pleaser and former "rescuer" myself, so I know firsthand the struggles you're facing.

I've been described as a human energy bar (a compliment I wear proudly!), and I bring that same vibrant energy to my coaching practice. I'm passionate about helping self-aware, big-hearted people ditch the overwhelm, guilt, and resentment that comes with over-giving. I believe that true fulfillment comes from living a life that's authentically yours, not one dictated by the needs and expectations of others.

My approach is warm, down-to-earth, and a little bit playful. We'll tackle the tough stuff, but we'll also have fun along the way. I'm not here to judge you or tell you what to do. I'm here to be your biggest cheerleader, your thought partner, and your guide on the path to reclaiming your life.


My Services

I know how important it is to find the right fit, so we’ll start off with complimentary 30-min session to get to know each other better.

Both in-person and virtual sessions provide a safe, supportive space to explore your challenges and make meaningful change.

Virtual 1:1 Sessions

Prefer to connect from the comfort of your own couch? No problem, we can do that too.

Get started

In-Person 1:1 Sessions

For those in the Windsor/Berkshire area, I offer private sessions in a comfortable, confidential setting in Central Windsor.

Get started


My Background

While I'm first and foremost a certified coach, I use a blended approach to help my clients heal and grow. I'm often training in new methods and techniques. Here are just some of the credentials I hold:

  1. CPCC

    Certified Professional Coach

  2. ICF

    International Coaching Federation Member

  3. Knomii Coach

    Verified Practitioner of the Knomii Method


Results My Clients Have Achieved

My clients have experienced profound transformations, including:

  • Increased self-confidence and self-worth
  • Greater emotional resilience and ability to cope with stress
  • Improved relationships based on mutual respect and reciprocity
  • Reduced anxiety, guilt, and overwhelm
  • Increased energy, motivation, and fulfillment in life
  • A renewed sense of purpose and passion
  • A deeper understanding of themselves and their needs

Ready to ditch the overwhelm and start living a life that truly lights you up?

Let's chat! Schedule a free consultation and take the first step towards a more balanced, joyful you.

Schedule a session


  • Madeline is a force of nature. She has an amazing ability to listen and pick up on cues and issues that are truly at the heart of the matter. I've experienced a lot of personal and professional growth through her coaching, and I feel more confident in myself and able to validate and advocate for my needs.

    Lea M.
  • Madeline has created a unique experience for people to connect deeply with each other and themselves in a safe, fun and nonjudgmental atmosphere! Wonderful journey to self-discovery!

    Kirsten M.
  • Madeline has a very rare ability to see things that you can’t quite see on your own. She listens with beautiful presence, and then synthesizes what you share with such clarity and blindspotting. I always leave a conversation with her feeling more inspired and in my power.

    Jasmine M.
  • These sessions were invaluable in my journey towards my own inner knowing. The time spent here felt energizing, positive and supportive. Would 100% will be amazed what you (re)learn about yourself.

    Nicole P.
  • Working with Madeline has been life-changing for my confidence, especially after experiencing trauma in a toxic work environment. Madeline provided me with tools and frameworks that I could use and implement in my daily work to gradually regain my confidence. I successfully applied the techniques we discussed in our sessions and can proudly say that I have made significant progress in my job and am now being considered for a promotion.

    Hannah R.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What's the difference between counselling and coaching?

    While counselling and coaching share similarities in their client-centered approach, counselling often focuses on healing past traumas and addressing mental health conditions, while coaching is more future-oriented and focuses on personal growth and achieving goals. Both deal with the present moment. You may find that coaching is more advantageous if you’re struggling with overthinking and not taking action in your life.

    I have a background in both counselling and coaching, and I use a blended approach. This means I incorporate therapeutic techniques from counselling (like ACT) to help you understand and process your emotions, while also providing the practical tools and support of coaching to help you create lasting change in your life.

  • Can coaching help with anxiety and depression?

    While coaching isn't a replacement for therapy, it can be a powerful complement to traditional mental health treatment. Coaching can help you develop coping skills, manage stress, build resilience, and create a more fulfilling life, which can all contribute to reducing anxiety and depression symptoms. I work with experiential therapy techniques including the Change Triangle which address depression and anxiety as defense mechanisms, and so the coaching I do is informed by theories that help us to overcome some forms of depression and anxiety.

    If you are struggling with severe mental health diagnosis, I may suggest that you work with a psychotherapist in addition to our work together.

  • Are our sessions confidential?

    Absolutely. Everything we discuss in our sessions is strictly confidential, with the exception of situations where there is a risk of harm to yourself or others. I adhere to the ethical guidelines set forth by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

  • Where is your office located?

    I offer both in-person sessions in Windsor, Berkshire and virtual coaching via Zoom. My office is located at Regus, Windsor Thames St. at 59-60 Thames St, Windsor SL4 1TX.

  • What if I'm not sure if coaching is right for me?

    That's totally okay! I offer free consultations so we can chat and see if we're a good fit. There's no pressure or obligation to sign up for coaching. I believe passionately in finding the right fit for people, and so I’m also happy to refer onward if we’re not a match.

  • How long does coaching typically last?

    The length of coaching varies depending on your individual goals and needs. Some clients see significant progress in just a few sessions, while others prefer to work together for several months. We'll discuss your ideal timeline during our consultation.

  • What if I have other questions?

    Feel free to reach out to me directly via email ( or phone (07828309792). I'm happy to answer any questions you may have.